Annual Examination-2020 English 1st Paper – Seven
Annual Examination-2020
Sub: English 1st Paper
Class: Seven
Time: 3 Hour Full Marks: 100
[N.B. The figures in the right margin indicate full marks]
Section-A : Reading Test
Read the following passage and answer the questions (1, 2 and 3)
Then came the spring. And all over the country there were flowers and there were birds. Only in the garden of the eiant. it was still winter. Here there were no binds singing, no flowrs blossoming. There were only snow and frost and north wind in it. I cannnot understand why the spring is so late in coming." said the eiant. He was sitting at the window of his big castle and looking out at his cold, drs, lifeless garden." I hope there will be a chnage in the weather." But neither spring nor summer came to his gar...